L-Carnitine Powder

If you’re trying to manage your body goals and you feel like the results aren’t coming, it might be time to add L-Carnitine or Acetyl L-Carnitine to your stack. L-Carnitine is an amino acid derivative that is mainly found in products like meat and fish. It is produced in the body from Lysine and Methionine and is best known for its ability to hit you body targets.

L-Carnitine is one of the most reliable thermogenics on the market and can help you improve your results when consumed alongside a balanced diet and training regime.


L-Carnitine is known for transporting long-chain fatty acids to the cells’ mitochondria, where they are oxidised for fuel, which can be used as energy. The main difference between L-Carnitine and Acetyl L-Carnitine is that ALC is more easily absorbed from the gut and may support cognitive function.

For the best weight support supplements, Evolve L-Carnitine delivers a 100% pure formula that is unflavoured and designed to support your body goals. Gen-Tec’s L-Carnitine formula is 100% pure and pharmaceutical-grade and fast-absorbing. Want more?

Try Evolve ALC and ATP Science’s Acetyl L-Carnitine which may support your body goals and clarity with their clean, effective ALC formulas.


As a leading sports nutrition retailer in Australia, ASN is proud to stock a comprehensive range of L-Carnitine supplements to support your body goals. 

If you’re trying to lose weight and need a supplement that supports your weight goals or need some extra help understanding how L-Carnitine and Acetyl L-Carnitine can assist your goals, our friendly team at ASN can help you find the best products for you. Just jump online or head into one of our 34 Australian stores, and our knowledgeable team can help you out.

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L-Carnitine FAQs

What is L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid derivative that may support weight management by assisting with the transportation of fatty acids into the cells’ mitochondria, where they are oxidised to produce usable energy (Mawer, R. 2018).

Mawer, R. 2018, ‘L-Carnitine: Benefits, Side Effects, Sources and Dosage’, Healthline.

Is L-Carnitine a fat burner?

L-Carnitine is generally known as a fat burner because, on a cellular level, that is its primary service. L-carnitine supports the transportation of fatty acids to your mitochondria, where they are oxidised for energy (Beabout, L. 2020).

Beabout, L. 2020, ‘What’s L-Carnitine, and Does It Live Up to the Hype?’ Greatist.

What are the benefits of L-Carnitine for weight loss?

The primary function of L-Carnitine for weight management is that it supports the transportation of fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are oxidised for energy. L-Carnitine can also boost antioxidant capacity and reduce inflammation and metabolic health (Examine. 2022).

Examine. 2022, ‘L-Carnitine’.

Are L-Carnitine supplements safe?

L-carnitine should be safe and free of side effects if you’re consuming 2 or fewer grams. In long-term use, there may be mind side effects like nausea and stomach discomfort. If you experience any side effects, you should discontinue use and consult a GP for advice (Mawer, R. 2018).

Mawer, R. 2018, ‘L-Carnitine: Benefits, Side Effects, Sources and Dosage’, Healthline.

How does L-Carnitine work to promote weight loss?

L-Carnitine works by stimulating your body into burning more triglycerides (type of fat found in your blood). L-Carnitine promotes the use of triglycerides as an energy source in place of carbohydrates. Supplementing with L-Carnitine can help your body oxidise those fatty acids (triglycerides), allowing your body to spare its supply of glycogen and burn more fat by using it as a fuel source (The O’Brien Clinic).

The O’Brien Clinic. ‘L-Carnitine And Fat Loss'.

How much L-Carnitine should I take for weight loss?

If you’re supplementing with L-Carnitine, follow the nutritional panel on the back for directions on how much to take. The general recommended dosage is approximately 1-3 grams per day (Johnson, J. 2020). However, this is dependant on your specific goals, health and fitness regime.

Johnson, J. 2020, ‘What to know about L-carnitine’, Medical News Today.

How often should I take L-Carnitine for weight loss?

When taken orally, L-Carnitine should be safe to take for up to 12 months, and it is most commonly used in doses of 2 grams daily (WebMD). However, as with taking any new supplement it is best to contact for your GP, especially if you have any concerns or pre-existing health conditions.

WebMD. ‘L-Carnitine - Uses, Side Effects, And More’.

When should I take L-Carnitine?

If your goal is to lose weight, consuming L-Carnitine before and during exercise may improve your performance and results. L-Carnitine appears to limit muscle metabolism during high-intensity workouts, so it may be effective when consumed during training (Johnson, J. 2020).

Johnson, J. 2020, ‘What to know about L-carnitine’, Medical News Today.

Who should take L-Carnitine?

If you are trying to improve your weight-loss results, supplementing with L-Carnitine may help you enhance your results. Additionally, if you are deficient in carnitine, a supplement may help you replenish yourself.

Who should not take L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine should be safe to take as long as it is taken in accordance with the recommended dosage on the nutritional panel and in line with a balanced diet. However, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, prone to seizures, suffer from hypothyroidism or have any other allergies, prescription medications, or medical conditions, then you should check with a GP before consumption (WebMD).

WedMD. ‘L-Carnitine - Uses, Side Effects, And More’.

What are the side effects of L-Carnitine?

If consumed correctly, you shouldn’t experience any side effects. However, side effects like heartburn, diarrhea, seizures, and stomach discomfort are all possible, particularly in long-term use. You may also experience a ‘fishy’ odour in the breath, sweat and urine. Discontinue use and consult a GP if you experience any of these symptoms  (WebMD).

WedMD. ‘L-Carnitine - Uses, Side Effects, And More’.

Can L-Carnitine cause headaches?

You shouldn’t experience headaches when consuming L-Carnitine, particularly if you are consuming the recommended dosage. If you experience headaches, it may be due to potential allergies, reactions to other medications, or another issue. If symptoms persist, discontinue use and consult a GP.

Can L-Carnitine cause hair loss?

On the contrary, studies have shown that L-Carnitine can stimulate hair growth. This is due to its ability to increase proliferation and decrease apoptosis in follicular cells. Carnitine supports an increase in the energy supplied to the hair follicles matrix (Complementary Compounding Services).

Complementary Compounding Services. ‘Natural Hair Loss Treatment’'.

Can L-Carnitine cause acne?

No. In fact, L-Carnitine may actually support the reduction of acne. L-Carnitine helps to enhance the metabolism of fats and oils, which helps to reduce the excess sebum produces by the skin. Less sebum means acne-causing bacteria have less food, potentially assisting with the reduction of acne (Widrin, C. 2015).

Widrin, C. 2015, ‘L-carnitine, a Natural Non-Cystic Acne Remedy’, Balance Blends.

What are the best L-Carnitine supplements?

Among the best L-Carnitine supplements is Evolve L-Carnitine, a 100% pure formula that is unflavoured, can be stacked with your favourite supplements and can support your weight goals and energy production.