Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)

If you’re looking to build lean muscle mass, look no further than a Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) to incorporate into your health and fitness regime. While Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) are both whey-based formulas, there are differences in their extraction and filtration methods, resulting in varying lactose levels and speeds of absorption. 

Boasting a high bioavailability and naturally occurring amino acids, Whey Protein Isolate Protein Powders are meticulously filtered, while being high in protein, and low in carbohydrates and fats. Ideal for all fitness levels, Whey Protein Isolate Protein Powders are fast-digesting and low in lactose, making them a great choice whether you are looking to gain lean muscle, have digestive issues or want to aid your post-workout muscle recovery

Looking for a wider range of whey protein? Browse our Whey Protein Blends collection with a selection of the biggest brands on the market.


Looking for your next post-workout Whey Protein Isolate Protein Powder? You’ve come to the right place. With a large selection of Whey Isolate Protein Powders from leading brands including Evolve, Rule 1, International Protein, Optimum Nutrition and more, you’ll be in the right hands to hit your fitness goals!

Evolve WPI

Fast-absorbing and digestible, premium protein powder, Evolve WPI, is your go-to for both men and women who are looking for a lean, creamy and smooth Isolate Protein. With 35 grams of ultra-refined WPI, and as little as 1.8 grams of carbohydrates, re-fuel and recover with this fast-acting protein. 

  • Promotes lean muscle growth
  • Fast absorption and digestion
  • Low in fat and sugar 
  • Contains 35 grams of ultra-refined Whey Protein

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Isolate

Designed for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, Gold Standard 100% Isolate is a cutting-edge Whey protein formula in its purest form. With less than 1 gram of fat and carbs, and over 80% pure protein per serving, Gold Standard 100% Isolate is well-equipped to take your fitness goals to the next level.

  • Supports muscle growth and recovery
  • Easily digested 
  • Contains 25 grams of superior Whey Protein
  • Gluten-Free formula 


If you’re unsure which WPI Protein is best suited to your dietary needs and fitness goals, chat with the team at one of our 36 Australian ASN stores or reach out to our friendly online customer service team.

If you’re wanting to learn more about what protein powder is right for you, check out our blogs Fast Vs Slow Release Protein Powder or WPC Vs WPI: The Full Scoop on Whey Protein.

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Whey Protein Isolate FAQs

What is whey protein isolate?

Whey protein isolate (WPI) is derived from the same milk concentration as Whey protein. Whey protein isolate has been filtered in a process that helps remove much of the lactose in the powder itself. This creates a leaner and lower-fat protein source than other protein sources (Gangurde et al., 2011). 

Gangurde, H., Patil, P., Chordiya, M., & Baste, N. (2011). Whey protein. Scholars’ Research Journal, 1(2), 69.

Is whey protein isolate good?

Yes! Whey protein isolate (WPI) is good as it supports muscle recovery, weight management, and bone health. It’s especially effective when combined with exercise. While it’s generally safe, those with kidney or liver issues should use it with care, as excessive intake may pose risks. Overall, WPI is a great addition to a balanced diet when used moderately​.

Cava, E.; Padua, E.; Campaci, D.; Bernardi, M.; Muthanna, F.M.S.; Caprio, M.; Lombardo, M. Investigating the Health Implications of Whey Protein Consumption: A Narrative Review of Risks, Adverse Effects, and Associated Health Issues. Healthcare 2024, 12(2), 246.

What does whey protein isolate do?

Operating similarly to a standard whey protein, an isolate is higher in protein and lower in lactose and fat (Gangurde et al., 2011). Whey protein isolate is useful for muscle building, performance enhancement and tissue repair.

Consuming a WPI protein post-workout can help you improve your lean mass and optimise your recovery while maximising your performance benefits and gains (Cooke et al., 2010). 

Gangurde, H., Patil, P., Chordiya, M., & Baste, N. (2011). Whey protein. Scholars’ Research Journal, 1(2), 69.

Cooke, M. B., Rybalka, E., Stathis, C. G., Cribb, P. J., & Hayes, A. (2010). Whey protein isolate attenuates strength decline after eccentrically-induced muscle damage in healthy individuals. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(1), 30.

What's the difference between WPI and WPC?

Whey protein isolate has a higher protein count than your standard whey protein. An isolate generally contains 90% or more, while a typical concentrate typically has 70-80% (Gangurde et al., 2011). The process that removes much of the lactose from the powder also helps to concentrate it to some extent.

Whey isolate generally has a lower calorie, carbohydrate and fat count, making it ideal for mixing with water for a low-calorie & high-protein drink (Gangurde et al., 2011). 

Gangurde, H., Patil, P., Chordiya, M., & Baste, N. (2011). Whey protein. Scholars’ Research Journal, 1(2), 69.

Is whey protein isolate better than concentrate?

Whether or not whey protein isolate is better than concentrate mostly depends on your individual body goals. If you struggle with digestive issues, are sensitive to lactose or are looking to increase lean muscle mass with a low-carb option, an isolate protein may be a better choice for you. However, the nutritional benefits between an isolate protein and concentrate protein do not vary greatly and are both great options for achieving your training and body goals.

Is whey protein isolate good for weight loss?

Absolutely! Whey protein isolate can help you with your body goals while keeping lean muscle intact. It’s quickly absorbed, keeps you feeling fuller for longer, and supports muscle preservation. Studies show that it’s great for targeting fat loss when paired with a calorie-controlled diet and an exercise regime (Frestedt et al., 2008). 

In a study, participants consuming whey protein saw greater fat loss compared to those using other types of supplements. The bonus? They retained more muscle mass while dropping fat, giving their results a healthier and more sustainable edge​ (Frestedt et al., 2008). 

Frestedt, J. L., Zenk, J. L., Kuskowski, M. A., Ward, L. S., & Bastian, E. D. (2008). A whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese subjects: a randomized human clinical study. Nutrition & Metabolism, 5(1), 8.

Does whey protein isolate make you gain weight?

Not likely that whey protein isolate will make you "fat." In fact, research shows it helps maintain lean muscle without adding fat when used as part of a balanced diet​. It keeps you fuller for longer, curbs cravings, and may even improve insulin levels and cholesterol. Unless you're over-consuming calories, adding whey protein isolate to your routine will support your goals—not sabotage them! (Pal et al., 2010)

Your weight depends primarily on the quantity and quality of the foods that you consume during the day in conjunction with your protein isolate

Pal, S., Ellis, V., & Dhaliwal, S. (2010). Effects of whey protein isolate on body composition, lipids, insulin and glucose in overweight and obese individuals. British Journal of Nutrition, 104(5), 716–723.

Does whey protein isolate cause acne?

Acne can be caused by a number of outside factors including your lifestyle, diet, hormonal imbalance, sugar intake, allergens and other medical conditions. Intolerances to dairy can sometimes lead to acne, so if you’re looking to stay on the safe side, a premium WPI protein that is low in lactose may be a great option. Alternatively, we do have a range of vegan plant protein that may reduce any potential acne risks. 

What is whey protein isolate made from?

Whey protein isolate (WPI) is derived from the liquid byproduct of cheese production. When milk is processed to make cheese, it separates into curds and whey. The whey portion undergoes multiple filtration processes to remove most fats, lactose, and other non-protein components, resulting in a highly concentrated protein powder (P.L.H. McSweeney, 2007).

Compared to other forms like whey protein concentrate, WPI contains at least 90% protein by weight, with minimal carbohydrates and fats. This makes it an excellent choice for those seeking a higher protein-to-calorie ratio or who are lactose intolerant (Gangurde et al., 2011). 

P.L.H. McSweeney. (2007). Whey Processing. In Cheese Problems Solved. Woodhead Publishing.

Gangurde, H., Patil, P., Chordiya, M., & Baste, N. (2011). Whey protein. Scholars’ Research Journal, 1(2), 69.

Is whey protein isolate gluten-free?

Whey protein isolate is naturally gluten-free because the whey protein itself contains no gluten. Typically all whey protein isolates will be celiac-safe, but you should always check the packaging to be sure they are no added ingredients that contain gluten. 

Is whey protein isolate dairy-free?

Whey protein isolate is not dairy-free as it contains some lactose, despite containing less than a whey concentrate or hydrolysate. As it contains around 90% protein, an isolate might still be compatible if you only have mild lactose intolerance.

Is whey protein isolate vegan?

Whey protein isolate is not vegan-friendly due to the whey, which comes from milk. While no form of whey protein is vegan-friendly, there are other plant-based and dairy-free alternatives to choose from.