Corporately Stressed To Fitness Obsessed: Mel's Transformation Story


Written by: ASN



Time to read 2 min

Mel managed to drop 11.5kg and 12% body fat over the course of last year's 10 Week Body Transformation Challenge.

Living a busy life working full time in a Corporate Finance team, and if that wasn't enough, throwing in a couple of sessions as a swim school teacher once per week, Mel's determination and motivation to remain consistent in her training and nutrition delivered breath-taking results.

Prior to the ASN 10 Week Challenge, Mel did her best to maintain her fitness regime as well as an active social life by combining exercise and socialising, by catching up with her friends over a gym or cardio session to stay on her toes, while making the most efficient use of her free time possible!

Challenged to regain her lust for exercise and training, Mel opted for the 10 Week challenge to increase her accountability, and to help her kick her bad habits once and for all! Mel loved how the challenge provided solid training program and nutritional plans, putting the ball in her court to step up to the plate and work hard, in order to achieve great results.

Mel's nutrition consisted of a healthy daily dose of vegetables, along with all her favourite lean meats, and plenty of nutritious snacks such as hummus, boiled eggs, seeds and nuts. Fuelled with sweet potato, brown rice, bread wraps and rice cakes, Mel made sure to keep up her carbohydrates to fuel her busy lifestyle, and keep her charging through her training. To keep her body guessing, Mel also opted for a fortnightly "raw foods day", to keep her digestive system happy!

Of course, life is all about rewarding yourself and enjoying the little things with loved ones, so Mel would save her cheat meals and treats for when her and her partner could go out for a meal together without sabotaging her results.

So with such an amazing result, what is Mel's advice to anyone who is living a similar lifestyle to her and wanting to achieve results? Remain consistent. She didn't let the scales throw her game, and she accepted that the odd slip up was all part of being human! She also strategically used her raw day to follow her cheat day, to prevent bad habits from taking over, which is definitely a fantastic idea for those who struggle with food temptations!

Mel's training schedule involved 3-5 weights sessions per week, combined with 2-4 HIIT sessions. Throwing in a couple of fasted cardio sessions per week, it's no wonder to see how Mel managed to drop 11.5kg and 12% body fat over the course of the challenge!

Her supplement arsenal included Evolve and Proto Whey as delicious, nutritious protein sources, as well as a omega 3, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Probiotics washed down with a healthy greens drink in the morning. In addition Mel loved the hormone support provided by Alpha Venus, and also threw in Block E3 and Subcut creams as well as L-Carnitine and Thermonuke in her final two weeks to supercharge her fat-loss results and bring her over the finish line in style!